Package jakarta.jms

Annotation Interface JMSConnectionFactory

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({METHOD,FIELD,PARAMETER,TYPE}) public @interface JMSConnectionFactory
This annotation may be used on a field to specify the JNDI lookup name of a jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory to be used when injecting a jakarta.jms.JMSContext object.

It may also be used to specify that a callback method on a Jakarta Messaging message-driven bean must use the specified message selector. In this case it may be specified either on the callback method or on the message-driven bean class.

If this annotation is specified on a method of a message-driven bean class then that method must also be annotated with QueueListener or TopicListener. If it is not then deployment will fail.

If this annotation is specified on the message-driven bean class then at least one method must be annotated with QueueListener or TopicListener. If no method is annotated with QueueListener or TopicListener then deployment will fail.

If this annotation is specified on both a method of a message-driven bean class and on the message-driven bean class itself then deployment will fail.

JMS 2.0
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Specifies the JNDI lookup name of a jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory to be used.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      Specifies the JNDI lookup name of a jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory to be used.
      the JNDI lookup name of a jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory to be used