Class FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler

        public FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler​(TagConfig config)

        Call through to super

        config - configure this handler instance
    • Method Detail

      • getAttachedObjectHandlerHelper

        protected final AttachedObjectHandler getAttachedObjectHandlerHelper()

        Return the underlying handler for this tag handler instance.

        the handler instance
      • applyAttachedObject

        public final void applyAttachedObject​(FacesContext ctx,
                                              UIComponent parent)

        Take the necessary actions to apply the attached object represented by the tag for the concrete subclass of this class to the argument parent.

        Specified by:
        applyAttachedObject in interface AttachedObjectHandler
        ctx - the FacesContext for this request
        parent - The UIComponent to which this attached object must be applied.
      • getFor

        public final java.lang.String getFor()

        Return the value of the "for" attribute. This enables the runtime to know to which inner component this attached object should be retargeted.

        Specified by:
        getFor in interface AttachedObjectHandler
        the value of the "for" attribute for this attached object