Annotation Type Enhancement

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface Enhancement
    2nd phase of build compatible extension execution. Allows transforming annotations.

    In the following text, the term expected types denotes the set of types defined by the types, withSubtypes and withAnnotations members of the @Enhancement annotation. The term discovered types denotes the subset of expected types that were discovered during type discovery.

    Methods annotated @Enhancement must declare exactly one parameter of one of these types:

    If an @Enhancement method has a parameter of type ClassConfig or ClassInfo, the method is called once for each discovered type.

    If an @Enhancement method has a parameter of type MethodConfig or MethodInfo, the method is called once for each constructor or method that is declared on each discovered type, as defined in ClassInfo.constructors and ClassInfo.methods.

    If an @Enhancement method has a parameter of type FieldConfig or FieldInfo, the method is called once for each field that is declared on each discovered type, as defined in ClassInfo.fields.

    If the @Enhancement method doesn't declare any parameter of one of these types, or if it declares more than one, the container treats it as a definition error.

    Additionally, methods annotated @Enhancement may declare parameters of these types:

    Finally, AnnotationBuilder may be used to create instances of AnnotationInfo.

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.Class<?>[] types
      Defines the set of expected types.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>[] withAnnotations
      Narrows down the set of expected types, defined by types and withSubtypes, to types that use any of given annotations.
      boolean withSubtypes
      If true, the set of expected types includes all direct and indirect subtypes of given types.
    • Element Detail

      • types

        java.lang.Class<?>[] types
        Defines the set of expected types. If withSubtypes is true, the set of expected types includes all direct and indirect subtypes of these types. If withAnnotations is defined, the set of expected types only includes types that use given annotations.
        the set of expected types
      • withSubtypes

        boolean withSubtypes
        If true, the set of expected types includes all direct and indirect subtypes of given types.
        whether subtypes should be included in the set of expected types
      • withAnnotations

        java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>[] withAnnotations
        Narrows down the set of expected types, defined by types and withSubtypes, to types that use any of given annotations. The annotation can appear on the type, or on any member of the type, or on any parameter of any member of the type, or as a meta-annotation on any annotation that is considered by these rules.

        If empty, the set of expected types is not narrowed down in any way. If java.lang.Annotation is present, the set of expected types is narrowed down to types that use any annotation.

        Defaults to an empty array, so that the set of expected types is not narrowed down in any way.

        types of annotations that must be present on the expected types