Annotation Interface ManagedExecutorDefinition

@Repeatable(List.class) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface ManagedExecutorDefinition

Defines a ManagedExecutorService to be registered in JNDI by the container under the JNDI name that is specified in the name() attribute.

Application components can refer to this JNDI name in the lookup attribute of a Resource annotation,

     name = "java:module/concurrent/MyExecutor",
     context = "java:module/concurrent/MyExecutorContext",
     hungTaskThreshold = 120000,
     maxAsync = 5)
     name = "java:module/concurrent/MyExecutorContext",
     propagated = { SECURITY, APPLICATION })
  public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
    @Resource(lookup = "java:module/concurrent/MyExecutor",
               name = "java:module/concurrent/env/MyExecutorRef")
     ManagedExecutorService myExecutor;

Resource environment references in a deployment descriptor can similarly specify the lookup-name,

You can also define a ManagedExecutorService with the <managed-executor> deployment descriptor element. For example,
If a managed-executor and ManagedExecutorDefinition have the same name, their attributes are merged to define a single ManagedExecutorService definition, with each attribute that is specified in the managed-executor deployment descriptor entry taking precedence over the corresponding attribute of the annotation.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static @interface 
    Enables multiple ManagedExecutorDefinition annotations on the same type.
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    JNDI name of the ManagedExecutorService instance.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The name of a ContextService instance which determines how context is applied to tasks and actions that run on this executor.
    The amount of time in milliseconds that a task or action can execute before it is considered hung.
    Upper bound on contextual tasks and actions that this executor will simultaneously execute asynchronously.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      JNDI name of the ManagedExecutorService instance. The JNDI name must be in a valid Jakarta EE namespace, such as,
      • java:comp
      • java:module
      • java:app
      • java:global
      ManagedExecutorService JNDI name.
    • context

      String context
      The name of a ContextService instance which determines how context is applied to tasks and actions that run on this executor.

      The name can be the name of a ContextServiceDefinition or the name of a context-service deployment descriptor element or the JNDI name of the Jakarta EE default ContextService instance, java:comp/DefaultContextService.

      The name of the ContextService must be no more granular than the name of this ManagedExecutorDefinition. For example, if this ManagedExecutorDefinition has a name in java:app, the ContextService can be in java:app or java:global, but not in java:module which would be ambiguous as to which module's ContextService definition should be used.

      The default value, java:comp/DefaultContextService, is the JNDI name of the Jakarta EE default ContextService.

      name of the ContextService for capturing and propagating or clearing context.
    • hungTaskThreshold

      long hungTaskThreshold

      The amount of time in milliseconds that a task or action can execute before it is considered hung.

      The default value of -1 indicates unlimited.

      number of milliseconds after which a task or action is considered hung.
    • maxAsync

      int maxAsync

      Upper bound on contextual tasks and actions that this executor will simultaneously execute asynchronously. This constraint does not apply to tasks and actions that the executor runs inline, such as when a thread requests CompletableFuture.join() and the action runs inline if it has not yet started.

      The default value of -1 indicates unbounded, although still subject to resource constraints of the system.

      upper limit on asynchronous execution.