Interface CheckpointAlgorithm

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CheckpointAlgorithm
    CheckpointAlgorithm provides a custom checkpoint policy for chunk steps.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void beginCheckpoint()
      The beginCheckpoint method is invoked before the next checkpoint interval begins (before the next chunk transaction begins).
      int checkpointTimeout()
      The checkpointTimeout is invoked at the beginning of a new checkpoint interval for the purpose of establishing the checkpoint timeout.
      void endCheckpoint()
      The endCheckpoint method is invoked after the last checkpoint is taken (after the chunk transaction is committed).
      boolean isReadyToCheckpoint()
      The isReadyToCheckpoint method is invoked by the batch runtime after each item is processed to determine if now is the time to checkpoint the current chunk.
    • Method Detail

      • checkpointTimeout

        int checkpointTimeout()
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        The checkpointTimeout is invoked at the beginning of a new checkpoint interval for the purpose of establishing the checkpoint timeout. It is invoked before the next chunk transaction begins. This method returns an integer value, which is the timeout value (expressed in seconds) which will be used for the next chunk transaction. This method is useful to automate the setting of the checkpoint timeout based on factors known outside the job definition. A value of '0' signifies no maximum established by this CheckpointAlgorithm, i.e. the maximum permissible timeout allowed by the runtime environment.
        the timeout interval (expressed in seconds) to use for the next checkpoint interval
        java.lang.Exception - thrown for any errors.
      • beginCheckpoint

        void beginCheckpoint()
                      throws java.lang.Exception
        The beginCheckpoint method is invoked before the next checkpoint interval begins (before the next chunk transaction begins).
        java.lang.Exception - thrown for any errors.
      • isReadyToCheckpoint

        boolean isReadyToCheckpoint()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        The isReadyToCheckpoint method is invoked by the batch runtime after each item is processed to determine if now is the time to checkpoint the current chunk.
        boolean indicating whether or not to checkpoint now.
        java.lang.Exception - thrown for any errors.
      • endCheckpoint

        void endCheckpoint()
                    throws java.lang.Exception
        The endCheckpoint method is invoked after the last checkpoint is taken (after the chunk transaction is committed).
        java.lang.Exception - thrown for any errors.