ClassDescriptionRepresents an exception while processing OAuth 2.0 request and response.Represents an authorization exception to access protected resources.Represents an illegal authorization code exception presented by a client.Represents a bad parameter format exception presented in OAuth request.Represents a duplicated parameter exception in OAuth request.Represents an exception while processing OAuth 2.0 request and response.Represents an OAuth service provider internal exception while processing OAuth request.Represents an invalid client exception in an OAuth request.Represents an invalid client secret exception in an OAuth request.Represents an invalid or not supported grant type in an OAuth request.Represents an invalid redirect URI exception in an OAuth request.Represents an invalid response type exception in an OAuth request.Represents an invalid request scope exception in an OAuth request.Represents an invalid token exception in an OAuth request.Represents an invalid token request method exception in an OAuth request.Represents a mediation exception in an OAuth request.Represents a mismatch exception that the client ID does not match the authenticated client.Represents an error that occurs when the redirect URI passed in the request to the token endpoint does not match the redirect URI associated with the grant.Represents a missing request parameter exception.Represents an access denied exception for public client when trying to use the client_credentials grant type.Represents an access denied exception for public client.Represents a refresh token exception due to mismatched client.