Interface MessagingEngineMBean

@MXBean public interface MessagingEngineMBean

The MessagingEngineMBean is enabled by the wasJmsServer feature. This MBean provides an interface to query the runtime information of the messaging engine defined in the configuration.

JMX clients should use the ObjectName of this MBean to query it.
Partial Object Name: WebSphere:feature=wasJmsServer, type=MessagingEngine,name=*
where name is unique for each messaging engine and is equal to the name of the messaging engine defined in configuration.

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the current messaging engine. Please note that it is not possible to rename a messaging engine instance.
      Name of the Messaging Engine
    • state

      String state()
      Return the state of the Messaging Engine.
      State of the Messaging Engine
    • resetDestination

      void resetDestination(String name) throws Exception
      Resets a corrupt destination such that on restart, it is deleted and recreated.
      Name - The name of the destination on the bus
    • dump

      void dump(String dumpSpec)
      Request the receiver to dump its xml representation.The dump file is created in the current server directory
      dumpSpec - The dump specification string, eg. "*"
    • listPreparedTransactions

      String[] listPreparedTransactions()
      Obtain a list of XIDs which are in-doubt. Part of MBean interface for resolving in-doubt transactions in Message Store.
      XIDs as array of strings
    • commitPreparedTransaction

      void commitPreparedTransaction(String xid) throws Exception
      Commit the given transaction. Part of MBean interface for resolving in-doubt transactions in Message Store.
      xid - a string representing the xid of the transaction to be committed.
    • rollbackPreparedTransaction

      void rollbackPreparedTransaction(String xid) throws Exception
      Rollback the given transaction. Part of MBean interface for resolving in-doubt transactions in Message Store.
      xid - a string representing the xid of the transaction to be rolled back.