Interface Token

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public interface Token extends Cloneable
This interface should not be implemented directly but rather one should implement either AuthenticationToken, AuthorizationToken, SingleSignonToken or PropagationToken.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addAttribute(String key, String value)
    Adds the attribute name/value pair to a String[] list of values for the specified key.
    Makes a deep copy of this token when necessary.
    Gets the List of all attribute names present in the token.
    Gets the attribute value based on the named value.
    Gets the bytes to be sent across the wire.
    This returns the expiration time in milli-seconds.
    Gets the name of the token, used to identify the byte[] in the protocol message.
    Gets the principal that this Token belongs to.
    Returns a unique identifier of the token based upon information that the provider considers to be unique.
    Gets the version of the token as an short.
    Returns if this token should be forwarded/propagated downstream.
    Called by the runtime to determine if a token is valid still in terms of expiration, digital signature, etc.
    When called, the token becomes irreversibly read-only.
  • Method Details

    • isValid

      boolean isValid()

      Called by the runtime to determine if a token is valid still in terms of expiration, digital signature, etc. The implementation determines what valid means. If this returns false to the WebSphere runtime, an exception will be thrown (appropriate to where the call was made, e.g., NO_PERMISSION, WSLoginFailedException, etc.) and the request will be rejected.

    • getExpiration

      long getExpiration()

      This returns the expiration time in milli-seconds.

    • isForwardable

      boolean isForwardable()

      Returns if this token should be forwarded/propagated downstream. Some token implementations may not be intended to be propagated downstream, it's up to the implementation to determine this.

    • getPrincipal

      String getPrincipal()

      Gets the principal that this Token belongs to. If this is an authorization token, this principal string must match the authentication token principal string or the message will be rejected. CSIv2 has stringent rules about validating authorization tokens using either the Identity Token or Authentication Token principal.

    • getBytes

      byte[] getBytes()
      Gets the bytes to be sent across the wire. The information in the byte[] needs to be enough to recreate the Token object at the target server.
    • getName

      String getName()

      Gets the name of the token, used to identify the byte[] in the protocol message.

    • getVersion

      short getVersion()
      Gets the version of the token as an short. This is also used to identify the byte[] in the protocol message.
    • getUniqueID

      String getUniqueID()

      Returns a unique identifier of the token based upon information that the provider considers to be unique. This will be used for caching purposes and may be used in combination with other token unique IDs that are part of the same Subject to form a Subject unique identifier.

      An implementation of this method should be careful to only change the token uniqueness when required. Any login which generates a new unique ID will create a Subject entry in the cache, which will increase memory requirements.

      This method should return null if the token does not need to affect the cache uniqueness. Typically, if using only static registry attributes, this should return null. However, if dynamic attributes are used including strength of authentication, time of day, etc. you may affect the cache uniqueness by returning a non-null value that reflects how you want the cache key too look. Typically, the token implementation will know what is most unique about the dynamic data, however, an alternative is to return a UUID. The values of getUniqueID() from all custom tokens present in the Subject will be added together and used in the SSO token for lookup. A one-way hash of this string will be created as the unique ID. When altering a token to contain a non-null value here, the token must be added to the Subject prior to the commit phase or before the wsMap module commit is called.

    • setReadOnly

      void setReadOnly()

      When called, the token becomes irreversibly read-only. The implementation needs to ensure any setter methods check that this has been set.

    • getAttributes

      String[] getAttributes(String key)

      Gets the attribute value based on the named value. A string array is returned containing all values of the attribute previously set.

      String - key
    • addAttribute

      String[] addAttribute(String key, String value)

      Adds the attribute name/value pair to a String[] list of values for the specified key. Once an attribute is set, it cannot only be appended to but not overwritten. Returns the previous value(s) set for key, not including the current value being set, or null if not previously set.

      String - key
      String - value
    • getAttributeNames

      Enumeration getAttributeNames()

      Gets the List of all attribute names present in the token.

    • clone

      Object clone()
      Makes a deep copy of this token when necessary. This is typically used for a custom propagation token when it is stored in a security session. For each invocation to that session, we should use a copy of the propagation token to go downstream instead of a reference to the token.