Interface RestStatsMXBean

public interface RestStatsMXBean
Management12 interface for MBeans with names of the form "WebSphere:type=RestStats,name=*" where * is the name of a RESTful resource method within an application under the Liberty profile of the form .. For example, myApp.DemoResource. One such MBean for each resource method in the system is available from the Liberty profile platform MBean server when the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled. This interface can be used to request a proxy object via the method.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute AppName, the name of the application of which the resource method belongs.
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute Description, which is a description of the MBean itself.
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MethodName, the name of the resource method as specified in the deployment descriptor.
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute of the latest, most-recently, recorded complete minute.
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MinuteLatestMaximumDuration, which provides details of the maximum duration of the latest, most-recently, recorded complete minute.
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MinuteLatestMinimumDuration, which provides details of the minimum duration of the latest, most-recently, recorded complete minute (latest minute can be on-going and not "complete" if mbean is being updated in the current minute).
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute of the previous, second most-recently, recorded complete minute
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MinutePreviousMaximumDuration, which provides details of the minimum duration of the previous, second most-recently, recorded complete minute
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MinutePreviousMinimumDuration, which provides details of the minimum duration of the previous, second most-recently, recorded complete minute
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute RequestCount, the number of requests the server has received for this resource method.
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute RequestCountDetails, which provides other details on the request count.
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute ResponseTime, which is the average (mean) time spent responding to each request for the resource method.
    Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute ResponseCountDetails, which provides statistical details on the response time.
  • Method Details

    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute Description, which is a description of the MBean itself.
    • getMethodName

      String getMethodName()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MethodName, the name of the resource method as specified in the deployment descriptor.
      method name
    • getRequestCount

      long getRequestCount()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute RequestCount, the number of requests the server has received for this resource method.
      request count
    • getRequestCountDetails getRequestCountDetails()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute RequestCountDetails, which provides other details on the request count.
      request count details
    • getResponseTime

      double getResponseTime()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute ResponseTime, which is the average (mean) time spent responding to each request for the resource method.
      response time
    • getResponseTimeDetails getResponseTimeDetails()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute ResponseCountDetails, which provides statistical details on the response time.
      response time details
    • getMinuteLatestMinimumDuration

      long getMinuteLatestMinimumDuration()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MinuteLatestMinimumDuration, which provides details of the minimum duration of the latest, most-recently, recorded complete minute (latest minute can be on-going and not "complete" if mbean is being updated in the current minute).
      minimum elapsed duration of the latest minute
    • getMinuteLatestMaximumDuration

      long getMinuteLatestMaximumDuration()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MinuteLatestMaximumDuration, which provides details of the maximum duration of the latest, most-recently, recorded complete minute. (latest minute can be on-going and not "complete" if mbean is being updated in the current minute).
      maximum elapsed duration of the latest minute
    • getMinuteLatest

      long getMinuteLatest()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute of the latest, most-recently, recorded complete minute. (latest minute can be on-going and not "complete" if mbean is being updated in the current minute).
      latest minute recorded (value in minute since epoch)
    • getMinutePreviousMinimumDuration

      long getMinutePreviousMinimumDuration()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MinutePreviousMinimumDuration, which provides details of the minimum duration of the previous, second most-recently, recorded complete minute
      minimum elapsed duration of the previous minute
    • getMinutePreviousMaximumDuration

      long getMinutePreviousMaximumDuration()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute MinutePreviousMaximumDuration, which provides details of the minimum duration of the previous, second most-recently, recorded complete minute
      maximum elapsed duration of the previous minute
    • getMinutePrevious

      long getMinutePrevious()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute of the previous, second most-recently, recorded complete minute
      previous minute (prior to latest minute) recorded (value in minute since epoch)
    • getAppName

      String getAppName()
      Retrieves the value of the read-only attribute AppName, the name of the application of which the resource method belongs.
      app name