Class TldPathConfig


public class TldPathConfig extends Object
This class is used in conjunction with a GlobalTagLibConfig and is used to provide specific path information for a tld file.
  • Constructor Details

    • TldPathConfig

      public TldPathConfig(String tldPath, String uri, String strContainsListenerDefs)
  • Method Details

    • getAvailabilityConditionList

      public List getAvailabilityConditionList()
      Gets the conditions as to when this tld is made available. The condition can be the existence of a file within the web-inf directory or the existence of a servlet class.
      List - a list of availability conditions
    • getTldPath

      public String getTldPath()
      Gets the relative path within the jar to the tld file
      String - the relative path within the jar
    • getUri

      public String getUri()
      Gets the uri of the tld
      String - the uri of the tld
    • setUri

      public void setUri(String string)
      Sets the uri for the tld param string String - the uri for the tld
    • containsListenerDefs

      public boolean containsListenerDefs()
      Gets whether the tld contains any listener elements return boolean - if the tld file contains any listener elements