Class GroupMemberControl

public class GroupMemberControl extends GroupControl

Java class for GroupMemberControl complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="GroupMemberControl">
 <extension base="{}GroupControl">

The GroupMemberControl object extends the abstract GroupControl object.

The GroupControl object contains the following properties that are inherited by GroupMemberControl: level, properties, searchBases, countLimit, timeLimit, expression, treeView, and modifyMode.

GroupMemberControl is used in the input Root object of both the get() and update() APIs. In the get() API, it is used for requesting members of this group. If it is added to the input Root object, it indicates the members of group that will be returned.

GroupMemberControl can also be used to specify the properties to be returned for members as well as the level of nested members to be returned.

  • level
    • 0: will return all nested members
    • 1: will cause only the immediate members to be returned. This is the default value.
    • greater than 1: will return the specified level number of members. For example, a level of 2 will return immediate members and their immediate members.

In the update() API, GroupMembersControl can be used to specify the assign or un-assign mode through the modifyMode property. Multiple entities can be assigned or un-assigned in a single call. If there is only partial success when assigning or un-assigning multiple entities, an exception will be thrown. It is responsibility of the caller to perform any clean-up needed in the event of an exception.

  • modifyMode
    • 1: will cause the members in the group object to be added to this group as its members. This is the default setting.
    • 2: will cause the members contained in the group object to be added to the group as its members, and all of the existing members of the group will be removed.
    • 3: will cause the members contained in the group object to be un-assigned from the group.

Since GroupMemberControl is also extended from SearchControl, it is possible to specify the property expression and other search properties like countLimit, and timeLimit in GroupMemberControl to only return those members which satisfy the search criteria. For example, the property expression with value: @xsi:type='Person' will only return the members which are of the Person entity type.

  • treeView: used for indicating whether the hierarchy of the nested members should be kept in the output Root object or not. If it is set to true, hierarchy relationship of the immediate members and nested members of different levels are kept in the Root object. If it is set to false, all members are put in a flat structure by pointing to the same members property of the group.
  • Constructor Details

    • GroupMemberControl

      public GroupMemberControl()
  • Method Details

    • get

      public Object get(String propName)
      Gets the value of the requested property
      get in class GroupControl
      propName - allowed object is String
      returned object is Object
    • isSet

      public boolean isSet(String propName)
      Returns true if the requested property is set; false, otherwise.
      isSet in class GroupControl
      returned object is boolean
    • set

      public void set(String propName, Object value)
      Sets the value of the provided property to the provided value.
      set in class GroupControl
      propName - allowed object is String
      value - allowed object is Object
    • unset

      public void unset(String propName)
      Sets the value of provided property to null.
      unset in class GroupControl
      propName - allowed object is String
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName()
      Gets the name of this model object, GroupMemberControl
      getTypeName in class GroupControl
      returned object is String
    • getPropertyNames

      public static List getPropertyNames(String entityTypeName)
      Gets a list of all supported properties for this model object, GroupMemberControl
      entityTypeName - allowed object is String
      returned object is List
    • getDataType

      public String getDataType(String propName)
      Gets the Java type of the value of the provided property. For example: String, List
      getDataType in class GroupControl
      propName - allowed object is String
      returned object is String
    • getSuperTypes

      public ArrayList getSuperTypes()
      Gets a list of any model objects which this model object, GroupMemberControl, is an extension of.
      getSuperTypes in class GroupControl
      returned object is ArrayList
    • isSubType

      public boolean isSubType(String superTypeName)
      Returns a true if the provided model object is one that this model object extends; false, otherwise.
      isSubType in class GroupControl
      superTypeName - allowed object is String
      returned object is boolean
    • getSubTypes

      public static HashSet getSubTypes()
      Gets a set of any model objects which extend this model object, GroupMemberControl
      returned object is HashSet
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns this model object, GroupMemberControl, and its contents as a String
      toString in class GroupControl
      returned object is String