Interface VariableRegistry

public interface VariableRegistry
A Service for resolving variables to their values. Variables may be predefined by the runtime, or be read from or the server.xml configuration.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the server install location.
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the server configuration directory.
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the server name.
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the server output directory.
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the shared applications directory.
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the shared configuration directory.
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the shared resources directory.
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the server user directory.
    static final String
    The variable literal for obtaining the usr product extension directory.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addVariable(String variable, String value)
    Add a variable to the registry with the specified value if it does not exist already.
    Remove the specified variable from the registry.
    replaceVariable(String variable, String value)
    Update the variable in the registry with the specified value.
    Resolve the variables in the given string.
    Resolve the variables in the given string.
  • Field Details


      static final String SERVER_NAME
      The variable literal for obtaining the server name.
      See Also:

      static final String INSTALL_DIR
      The variable literal for obtaining the server install location.
      See Also:
    • USER_DIR

      static final String USER_DIR
      The variable literal for obtaining the server user directory.
      See Also:

      static final String USER_EXTENSION_DIR
      The variable literal for obtaining the usr product extension directory.
      See Also:

      static final String SERVER_CONFIG_DIR
      The variable literal for obtaining the server configuration directory.
      See Also:

      static final String SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR
      The variable literal for obtaining the server output directory.
      See Also:

      static final String SHARED_APPS_DIR
      The variable literal for obtaining the shared applications directory.
      See Also:

      static final String SHARED_CONFIG_DIR
      The variable literal for obtaining the shared configuration directory.
      See Also:

      static final String SHARED_RESC_DIR
      The variable literal for obtaining the shared resources directory.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addVariable

      boolean addVariable(String variable, String value)
      Add a variable to the registry with the specified value if it does not exist already.
      variable - the name of the variable.
      value - the value of the variable.
      true if it was added, false otherwise.
    • replaceVariable

      void replaceVariable(String variable, String value)
      Update the variable in the registry with the specified value. If it does not exist already this will add the variable, if it already exists it will be overwritten.
      variable - the name of the variable.
      value - the value of the variable.
    • resolveString

      String resolveString(String string)
      Resolve the variables in the given string. This can be used either to resolve a string that contains variables in it, such as The server is called ${}. or to specifically discover the value of a variable by wrapping it in ${ and } for example ${}. If the variable is not defined then the variable substitution will remain, so ${this.does.not.exist} would return ${this.does.not.exist}. During variable resolution the value of the variable will be path normalized by this call. If path normalization is not required use resolveRawString instead.
      string - the string to resolve.
      the resolved string
    • resolveRawString

      String resolveRawString(String string)
      Resolve the variables in the given string. This can be used either to resolve a string that contains variables in it, such as The server is called ${}. or to specifically discover the value of a variable by wrapping it in ${ and } for example ${}. If the variable is not defined then the variable substitution will remain, so ${this.does.not.exist} would return ${this.does.not.exist}. If path normalization of variable values is required use resolveString instead.
      string - the string to resolve.
      the resolved string
    • removeVariable

      void removeVariable(String variable)
      Remove the specified variable from the registry.
      variable -